jenlar's adventure into excessive randomness: whatever's on my mind...

This is just a spot for my random musings on the things that I enjoy... family, friends, music, TV, pop culture, and all things Disney. I probably won't be doing any "deep thoughts" types of entries. It's all about having fun. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More on George

Show not yourself glad at the misfortune of another, though he were your enemy.

Let your countenance be pleasant, but in serious matters somewhat grave.

When in company put not your hands to any part of the body not usually discovered.

-George Washington

Handwriting by George deserves an entry all its own. This is the coolest book! This is the first part of George Washington's rules for how to behave around others. The entries are hilarious, yet strangely relevant to modern situations. Every lesson has one rule to write a few times, a place to illustrate a practical, modern application of the rule, and a place to describe what you draw.

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