jenlar's adventure into excessive randomness: whatever's on my mind...

This is just a spot for my random musings on the things that I enjoy... family, friends, music, TV, pop culture, and all things Disney. I probably won't be doing any "deep thoughts" types of entries. It's all about having fun. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Snow/sleet/slush-type stuff

Here are the snow pictures! It was mostly just slush but we still had lots of fun!

OK... so Bella didn't like it very much. She's trying to go back inside!

Earlier she had on the sweater I knitted for her but it got too wet for her to wear.

This snowball, immortalized in flight, ended its journey by splatting its way down the back of Tristan's pants. See the target?

Jazzie made a tiny snowman family. (She also made the hat that she's wearing!)

The daddy had to walk home from town. See his track?

It was a loonnnngg way!

And finally, click here to see a short clip of Jazzie, Tristan and Bella playing!

1 comment:

Mirawyn said...

Where in the world did you find even that much snow? Cause it couldn't have been around here...